Alina Babenko is a designer and visual artist. In this spring she will present her first personal exhibition named «Dialog».

On the 5th of March Kiev Spivakovska ART:EGO gallery opened its doors presenting the new exhibition where each canvas was a step which led to opening of undiscovered individual’s properties, truths, values, desires and possibilities.

That is Alina Babenko’s first personal exhibition. For the artist, first personal exhibition opening is a momentous event: it is a kind of internal recognition and acceptance of your own imaginative nature. Using lively colors, the author reproduces the light, which lives inside her, creating the whole story in her pictures. The story, which no one heard before and won’t hear, but can only guess about what is happening by subject of the painting.

Alina paints her abstract pictures with a la prima oil paint , that the reason why each of her work is a phrase of unclosed dialog, where the author is waiting for replies from the world around, creating communication iteration with a viewer.

Alina Babenko, visual artist:

«This exhibition is the dialog which sometimes you are unable to hear and can be reproduced with the instruments we all gifted from the day we born».

Exhibition opening took place on the 5th of March in closed format and in accordance with MHC recommendations at Spivakovska ART:EGO gallery at the address: Kiev, Saksaganskogo street, 59B.

The exhibition was held until the 19th of March, 2021 and conducted in the format of selling exhibition in accordance with the recommendations of MHC.

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